Regional Artist Residency Program



Lichen Kelp Algaeglyph


Applications open on 1st December 23 and close 31st January 24.

(RE)Emerging + Growing, Women’s** Regional Artists Residency*

Taking applications from local creative women** of the GOR + Otways of all ages and cultural backgrounds to exhibit at the project space with a monthly placement residency. Wonderfully creative women for all sorts of reasons may find that their lives get put on hold or displaced and their creative practice is often the first thing that gets put on the back burner. 2024 is the year to reemerge with help and love. You can re-emerge and grow at any age and in any place. This is a safe nurturing space for experimentation and community. Welcome!

*unfortunately does not include accommodation this year (unless someone is interested in sponsoring a place?)

** Women, Non-binary and Trans Artists

Apply for 2024
Fill out the application form below and tell us about yourself and your ideas. Easy peasy. We welcome all forms of creativity; painting, drawing, illustration, sound, sculpture, pottery, jewelry, dance, poetry, and writing... if it takes heart then it’s art!

Applications open 1st December 2023 and closes 31st Jan 2024. You will be notified By Jan 2024 if successful. Terms & Conditions Apply.

  • Although this is a woman-focused residency opportunity, we encourage diversity of all kinds. We welcome all the beautiful colours of the cultural and gender rainbow. All applications will be reviewed for artistic merit and seriously considered.

    We do strongly favour local creatives, however we are also interested in bringing down exciting new mediums to the area for the purpose of local upskilling and creative growth.

    This residency is open to Apollo Bay + District , The Otways and the Great ocean road. However this is a reminder that we can’t offer accommodation at the moment but are keen for any sponsors or Donations to work toward this!

  • open your month with a social and convivial afternoon/evening of meeting the community. Nibbles, Drinks, chat, music. x

  • Access to Floreo Creative - The Project Space.

    Professional Mentoring, Free access to this creative space and resources for the duration of your exhibition. Resources also include a creative nurturing environment, social media promo etc.

  • Workshop/Artist Talk/ Meet the maker

    You must be Willing to present an arts-based workshop in the medium of your field to the community or presenting a small talk or on your work with a Q&A session or open studio days.

  • The Project Space

    2-4 Noel St, Apollo Bay VIC 3233

    0413 902 062

    Artist in Residency Agreement

    TPS agrees to engage the Artist to undertake the Residency according to the terms of this agreement. TPS’

    intent with the Artist in Residency program is to provide each artist with quality experience

    and opportunity to further develop their career.

    Artist in Residence Program Description

    The Artist will provide:

    - 4 weeks of exhibition of work

    - An opening night

    - One day of studio work every week (min. 4 hours a day)

    - (Optional) A workshop/artist talk, held by the Artist, to enrich the local community

    TPS will provide:

    - Access to the venue during agreed upon hours

    - A space to work in/create artwork

    - Promotional support with opening night and exhibition

    Artist Residency, Workshop and Exhibition Payment Fees

    The Artist agrees to pay TPS $150 for a whole month of venue hire, as well as 30%

    commission of any sales at the venue.

    Residency Studio Time

    The Artist requests to use the venue, for studio work, during the following scheduled days/hours

    1.1 Studio Access

    1.1.1 Conditions Studio

    Access is subject to availability and advance approval by Exhibition Curator or other

    designated party.

    1.1.2 Terms of Acceptable Use

    TPS is a multi-use facility where the health and safety of all users must be considered.

    - Use of caustic materials is not prohibited indoors

    - All on-site activity must be conducive to creating and maintaining “A safe space for

    creativity to flourish”.

    - Cleanup must be completed prior to exiting the building.

    TPS will provide access through appointment, or provide a key and security code for the

    Artist for the duration of the residency.

    2.0 Exhibition

    2.1 List of Works & Exclusivity

    As part of the Residency Program, TPS will exhibit artworks by the Artist, and the Artist will

    only exhibit their artworks at TPS. The Artist agrees:

    • To provide a final list of work including titles, mediums, support, size, and year produced to

    TPS no later than two (2) weeks before the exhibition opening date.

    • Not to withdraw works during exhibition dates.

    • To only exhibit artworks at TPS, and nowhere else in the region, during the whole of the

    Residency Program.

    2.2 Shipping

    The Artist is responsible for the transportation of artworks to and from TPS. Under no circumstance is TPS responsible for the shipment of work. It is the responsibility of the Artist to

    ensure that their work is delivered and ready for installation.

    The Artist agrees to collect their work from TPS, or arrange for its return shipment within one

    day after the closing of the exhibition, unless advance arrangements are made between the

    Artist and TPS.

    In the event that the artwork is not removed after two weeks, TPS may repack and ship the

    artwork back to the Artists at the Artist's expense. TPS will also charge the Artists a minimum packing and handling fee of two-hundred-and-fifty-dollars ($250.00).

    2.3 Presentation of Work

    The responsibility for framing, specialized mounts or the building of exhibition props (as necessary) will be the Artist’s, and all must conform to TPS standards.

    At minimum, art intended for wall hanging must be prepared using the existing hangings,

    unless otherwise arranged and approved. The Artist must not change or affect the existing

    walls of the venue at any cost.

    The Artist must discuss presentation requirements as early as possible with the Exhibition


    2.4 Installation

    The Artist is responsible for hanging and displaying of the artwork. Upon request, installation

    advice and volunteer assistance may be obtained through the Exhibition Coordinator(s) in

    advance of hanging the work. Some tools may be provided to assist with hanging the work.

    The Artist will communicate installation requirements with the Exhibition Coordinator(s) no

    later than two (2) weeks before the opening date of the exhibition.

    2.5 Insurance

    At present, TPS does not possess the capability to insure exhibited artwork against loss or

    damage. Therefore, it is recommended that the Artist possesses appropriate insurance to

    cover their artwork against loss or damage. If the Artist chooses not to personally insure their

    work, they will accept the risks associated and will not hold TPS liable for any damage or

    loss that may incur over the course of exhibition.

    2.6 Exhibition Space

    2.6.1 Public Access

    TPS will be open to the public from: during volunteer open hours (5 days during the week,

    9am to 1pm), regularly scheduled events, private functions and other dates/times to be

    determined pending events and volunteer hours.

    If the Artist wishes the exhibition to be open to the public for extended hours, they must be

    prepared to organise themselves, or an alternate volunteer, to be present in the space during

    that time. Arrangements may be made with the Exhibition Coordinator(s) to arrange

    volunteers to sit at the gallery.

    The Artist must discuss any additional plan for public access with the Exhibition

    Coordinator(s) in advance.

    2.6.2 Event Liability

    TPS is a space dedicated to multidisciplinary arts and community recreation, therefore

    musical and literary programming such as concerts, classes or workshops may occur within

    the space during the exhibition.

    As a precaution, TPS will endeavour to have a volunteer monitor visual artwork during

    events. At the Exhibition Coordinator(s)’s discretion, artwork may be temporarily removed

    from the exhibit in order to prevent damage during a concurrently programmed event and the

    artist will be notified accordingly.

    The artist may also request that their work be temporarily stored in a safe location on site

    during specified events. The Artist and Exhibition Coordinator(s) will review the schedule of

    events to determine if a period of temporary storage will be necessary during the exhibition.

    2.6.3 Conservation

    By signing, the Artist acknowledges their understanding that this is a space with unregulated

    temperature and fluctuating relative humidity, exposure to direct sunlight, and ongoing

    arts/community-related activities (e.g. live music, dance events, etc.) and will not hold TPS

    liable for any changes in the work due to these circumstances.

    2.7 Documentation and Interview

    If not already provided, upon signing of this contract, the Artist will provide TPS with

    biographical information and four to five images of work to be used for publicity purposes.

    TPS reserves the right to document the installation in a digital format and will share its

    documentation with the Artist upon request.

    The Artist will also agree to a short interview, recorded by TPS, for the gallery. This interview

    will be recorded at a minimum two (2) weeks before the Residency Program.

    2.8 Opening Events & Publicity

    TPS will host an opening reception during the exhibition, as agreed with the Artist. The Artist

    agrees to make their best efforts to be present for the opening reception.

    The Artist has the option to give a short and informal artist talk no longer than 30 min. during

    the opening reception regarding their art practice or their project in the space, or to hold a

    performance piece.

    These plans should be reviewed with the Exhibition Coordinator(s) no later than two (2)

    weeks before commencing residency.

    TPS will send invitations to its membership. The Artist may provide TPS with a list of names

    for the invitation list. Refreshments and/or liquor licences are the responsibility of the Artist,

    unless otherwise determined.

    If the Artist or Exhibition Coordinator(s) establishes a third party to sponsor, the engagement

    of the co-sponsor is with the full knowledge and mutual consent of the Artist and TPS.

    Third party sponsorship must be communicated no later than two (2) weeks before the date

    of the opening reception.

    All refreshments served at TPS must be made in a food safe kitchen. TPS will arrange digital

    advertisement and a small posting campaign for the exhibition as it may consider necessary.

    Any other paid promotion is the responsibility of the Artist.

    TPS will promote the exhibition through its social media networks and via other media where


    The Artist agrees to participate in media interviews to promote the exhibition if necessary.

    2.9 Copyright

    The Artist maintains all rights as the creator of the works exhibited and to any original written

    material provided to TPS. TPS permits viewers to take photographs with hand held cameras

    only; allows the media to photograph work for the purposes of reporting and critical review;

    and may take installation shots for archival purposes. However, TPS will not permit

    reproductions of the artwork in the exhibition for purposes of sale, rental, loan or distribution

    of any kind without the written permission of the Artist.

    The Artist agrees to give the TPS permission to reproduce low-resolution images provided

    by the Artist from The Artist’s exhibition after the exhibition has closed. Images will be used

    for media releases, exhibition advertising, program promotion, and TPS’ website. All images

    will be appropriately credited where necessary.

    2.10 Sales

    Any work exhibited at TPS will incur a 30% commission.

    2.11 Certificate of Authenticity

    The Artist will supply a Certificate of Authenticity with each artwork sold.

    2.12 Terms & Conditions

    In the event that the Artist can’t meet the stipulated terms and conditions, the Artist will

    recoup the losses that TPS incur.

    3.0 Amendments

    All amendments and modifications of this agreement will be with the written mutual consent

    of both parties.

  • We are excited to announce our partnership with the Australian Cultural Fund @‌ausculturalfund, a platform that supports and empowers artists and cultural projects across Australia. By making a tax-deductible donation through following the link on the button, you can contribute to creating an amazing creative opportunities for Apollo Bay Locals .

    #makingculturehappen #DonateNow #remerge #artistresidency #AustralianCulturalFund #Apollobay

    Donate Now

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Previous Residents (and their awesomeness)